Fierce Wisdom

So many things wish to strip us of our innate knowing,

Like waiting for test results….

Weird dominate medical authority trip.

Let’s question everything- shall we?

No more pacing in our cell blocks.

We humans have fairy wings

But it requires a fierceness to use them…

To overcome the cultural trace of our conditioning.

But we have the capacity to out- shine the shadows.

Be Gandalf at the bridge.

Birthday Image

My sister Jan send me this perfect card a few years ago

And it is a treasure-

Especially now that there will be no more cards coming.

I set it on the counter as my birthday gets close

John sees it as clutter.

But I’m her little sister, hand on hip…

“It’s not just the clothes, it’s the attitude

Happy Birthday to someone

Who’s aways known that.”


It took me a while

But I feel that I have fulfilled the prophecy.

Thanks Jan for your spell casting- your wish making

I am that.

I love you

Walking around the pond

The windy ripples on the water

Inform me

Reconnecting my breath and bone

Returning to Self

I sometimes say- I love you Sally.

Today as I rounded the bend

A group of geese launched off the shore

And in their midst were

Five tiny goslings- their fist swim.

“Swim said the mother-

We swim said the five

So they swam all day, newly alive.”


Bending low – I plant spinach seed while

The birds flutter at the feeder

Swaying the seed, spring-drunk

( aren’t we all?)

But what about the cosmic-seed planted

In our collective wombs,

That bright seed of love

That we are duty bound to cherish

And protect.

That’s the seed we want to acknowledge

Parent and Repeat.

Irrevocable Trust

The elder estate lawyer who heard me out

Suggested an “irrevocable trust”

And in the long ensuing conversation

With my “spouse”

We have gotten to our core function/ dysfunction


Trust is a non- egoic principle

A spacious walk in the park

No clutching or holding back

Just a big open smiling heart

That says Yes- I am safe with you.

What a rare accomplishment-

The true meaning of success

Irrevocably trusting- the future.

My Inner Rabbit

The moon lite the room- then dawn

On this Easter Morning,

I feel my inner rabbit….

She who hops in the places of the in- between.

A shaman with a basket of eggs…

“No need to hold back from your personal glory”

She says to the bunny

“This world is the stuff of dreams.”

So push off with your strong legs

The unknown is not meant to be known.

“Don’t fall for the trap of a lesser life.”

Hello Flowers

Honey is the better bet and I promise to deliver

But there is a difficulty in paradise ….

We love our absolutes- our particular concept of God

And the myriad other beliefs we cling to-

Giving full authority to our questionable minds.

“We are so sure we are right”

Not seeing that our thoughts are built on assumptions

That are too deep to know that they are even there.

But what to do?


Eat the honey of not knowing

Suspend- knowing- even just a little

Owning that ours is a conditioned mind

Righteously saying, “the evil is over there”

So beware of the drunken shadow of absolutes

We can not make ourselves safe here…

It’s a rough ride on the wings of bees

Hello flowers.

Art Animacy

“Let the images speak for themselves”, she suggested

And for some reason these words opened my heart and – I sobbed

At the recognition of my profound friendship

With the animacy of my art- the living being

Called Painting

Jumping realms to be with me- Painting has

Advanced my weary soul, sipping the living water

I stand before you, not alone-

Amazed and a bit transcendent

Animacy takes the lid off.

The bow is stretched – the hand poised for action

It’s “we” two that make the painting

Art comes through us into the world.

And to see me through the tenuous gate

And I felt the animacy of my art

International Women’s Day

“Be Yourself” says the unicorn on her shirt

Nudging us forward with her spiraled horn-

The magical kingdom – the one hidden in plain site

The honeyed land- the feminine journey.

The integrity of Self.

Our potent, magically, insightful, delightful

Creative, knowledgeable, wise, dynamic

Intuitive, artistic, earth-bound human like trees

Faithful ( to ourselves first)

Unique, smart, funny, charming, clever.

Hand user, washer woman,

Daughter, Sister, Mother, Grandmother, Aunt

Freedom Fighter, Ship’s Navigator, Astronaut.

Happy International Women’s Day!


Emptying is occurring naturally

The no self has appeared as I prepare for battle

I have something to say and words have left me,

Thank goodness.. in this moment of

Asking for more- related energy

Perhaps I will just nod

Or hum of our connection, our history, our bond.

Changes in the field are often painful

But a shared acknowledgment

Heals the frayed heart

Wish me luck. I feel brave and open and true.


I sent this photo of my garden to a gardener friend

She said, “An interesting challenge”