A New Friend

My new friend’s name is Cassandra

“Isn’t that the name of a goddess”

but as if inside an old joke…..she says

“It means a woman of knowledge

An oracle, that no one listens to.”

She shuts her eyes before she speaks

and I listen deeply to the things she shares.

Thrilled like school girls

she is 86 and I am 72.


As I write this I am reminded of a story

I heard long ago….

Dale worked Thursday nights at a church

Laundry and food for homeless folks

When a sweet blind woman stopped coming

He found out that a local hospital

Had given her a room because they had

Another elderly blind woman

So the two could share a room.

As the two ladies talked

They discovered that they had been best friends

At the age of ten.


“Ah sweet mystery of life at last I found you”

John’s sculpture above –

Full moon tonight!

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